
35 degrees Learn more about 35 degrees

  • Quick check table of suitable temperature for common melons, fruits and vegetables

    Quick check table of suitable temperature for common melons, fruits and vegetables

    Many vegetable farmers have been growing vegetables for many years, but they are still confused about the habits of vegetables, especially the temperature they adapt to. There are also some farmers who grow a crop all the year round.

  • How to raise jasmine?

    How to raise jasmine?

    How to raise jasmine? Please introduce the key to the conservation of jasmine is temperature, light, moisture and fertilizer. 1 Jasmine likes high temperature, the general temperature is about 19 degrees, jasmine begins to sprout, more than 25 degrees pregnant buds, 30 to 35 degrees buds form and develop well. The suitable temperature for the growth of jasmine is 25 to 35 degrees.

  • How to grow coriander at 35 degrees in summer

    How to grow coriander at 35 degrees in summer

    Varieties with heat resistance, late bolting and fast growth should be selected in summer. Choose fertile soil, good water and fertilizer conservation performance, drought can be irrigated, waterlogging can discharge, good permeability, more than five years have not planted coriander soil, must not be repeated. Cilantro is mainly planted and irrigated in summer.

    2020-11-09 Summer 35 degrees how planting coriander summer appropriate choice heat resistance
  • What is the reason why rice does not bear fruit?

    What is the reason why rice does not bear fruit?

    It is understood that in the budding and heading stage, rice is extremely sensitive to temperature, the most suitable temperature is 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, more than 30 degrees Celsius will have an adverse effect. In the case of continuous high temperature above 35 degrees at booting stage, the floral organ of rice will be underdeveloped, the pollen will be stunted and the vigor will decline. If there is a continuous high temperature above 35 degrees in the heading and flowering stage, heat damage will occur, which will affect the rupture of pollen and the elongation of pollen tube, resulting in the formation of empty shell grains due to inability to fertilize, resulting in what farmers call flowering and fruiting.

  • Learn this trick to buy succulent plants willfully even at a high temperature of 35 degrees.

    Learn this trick to buy succulent plants willfully even at a high temperature of 35 degrees.

    Summer is coming, and so is the off-season for succulent plants. Everyone listened to the advice of the elders, summer no longer into the meat, a good guard of the existing meat to spend the summer safely. However, some people go on a buying spree when the prices of succulent plants are reduced in the off-season.

  • Planting techniques of towel gourd in early spring

    Planting techniques of towel gourd in early spring

    Planting techniques of towel gourd in early spring

  • The latest course on planting techniques and methods of towel gourd in early spring

    The latest course on planting techniques and methods of towel gourd in early spring

    Towel gourd is one of the common vegetables in our life, and early spring towel gourd has excellent planting prospects, but its cultivation is also fastidious, so how to plant early spring towel gourd? Let's get to know each other with the editor. 1. Plant and prepare early spring silk

    2020-11-10 The latest early spring towel gourd planting techniques methods tutorials is
  • Flowers that are still alive above 35 degrees should get started.

    Flowers that are still alive above 35 degrees should get started.

    Summer is the most suitable for raising some flowers and plants. Why? Look at relieving the heat! Some friends want to plant flowers and plants, but they are afraid that it will not be easy to survive in hot weather. Today, the editor will introduce some flowers with amazing heat and drought resistance.

  • Pepper planting technology: what kind of temperature is suitable for flowering and pollination?

    Pepper planting technology: what kind of temperature is suitable for flowering and pollination?

    What kind of temperature is suitable for flowering and pollination of chili? Please recommend that the suitable temperature for flowering and pollination is 20 to 27 degrees Celsius, below 15 degrees Celsius or higher than 35 degrees Celsius is not conducive to pollination and fertilization (affecting pollen germination), which is easy to cause flower and fruit drop. Therefore, chili peppers are cultivated in hot seasons such as summer, especially when the temperature is above 3.

  • How to raise chicken seedlings

    How to raise chicken seedlings

    For newly hatched chickens, the temperature should be controlled at 33-35 degrees, the humidity should be controlled between 70-85% in the previous days, and all-day light should be given on the first day, and then gradually reduced for half an hour every day in the later stage, and the natural light will be restored after two weeks. For eating this piece, generally before

    2020-11-11 Chicken seedlings how raise just hatch come out chicken seedlings temperature want
  • Matters needing attention in planting snake melon

    Matters needing attention in planting snake melon

    Matters needing attention in planting snake melon

  • What are the living fossils of the animal kingdom? What are the main characteristics of green turtles?

    What are the living fossils of the animal kingdom? What are the main characteristics of green turtles?

    Green sea turtles, belonging to the hard shell turtle family, sea turtles. It is distributed around the polar regions, from 35 degrees north latitude to 35 degrees south latitude, but it is mainly distributed in tropical to subtropical waters. What does it look like? What are the characteristics? let's take a look at them.

    2019-01-30 Animal kingdom of living fossil what is it green sea turtle main characteristic
  • Is the national flower of Brazil the hairy crab claw orchid? What are the key points of potted plants?

    Is the national flower of Brazil the hairy crab claw orchid? What are the key points of potted plants?

    When it comes to Brazil, everyone's first impression is football, which is known as the football kingdom. Brazil is the largest country in South America, spanning 35 to 74 degrees west longitude and 5 degrees north to 35 degrees south latitude. It is rich in natural resources and industrial support, and its development is very fast.

    2020-11-08 Brazil the national flower is the hairy crab claw orchid its potted
  • The latest breeding method of Funiang in ping-pong

    The latest breeding method of Funiang in ping-pong

    Today, I would like to introduce to you a cherished variety of succulent plants. Its name is Ping-Pong Funiang. Is it a very novel name? Maybe some flower friends have never heard of it. The appearance of Ping-Pong Funiang is very cute. You are sure to be cute by its appearance.

    2020-11-10 The latest ping-pong Funiang breeding methods today here everyone
  • The latest points for attention in snake melon planting

    The latest points for attention in snake melon planting

    Snake melon is planted on a large scale in China. In addition to being edible, it has high ornamental value and medicinal value, and is of great benefit to the human body after consumption. So what should we pay attention to when planting snake melon? Let's get to know it. 1. Temperature snake gourd origin

    2020-11-10 The latest snake melon planting precautions is in our country
  • Loose-tailed sunflower with pointed and yellow leaves? Learn these three moves and the balcony can't be put down.

    Loose-tailed sunflower with pointed and yellow leaves? Learn these three moves and the balcony can't be put down.

    For breeding loose-tailed sunflower, the soil needs to be well drained, loose and contains more humus; the temperature should be 20 to 35 degrees, above 10 degrees in winter; it is best to have scattered light, shading 50% in summer; watering is hot according to the weather.

  • Xiangjiao No. 35 (formerly known as Wanyu)

    Xiangjiao No. 35 (formerly known as Wanyu)

    Approval No.: XS035--2003 Breeding Unit: Research and Extension Center for New Pepper Varieties of Xiangyan Vegetable Seedling Branch of Yuan Longping Agricultural High-tech Co., Ltd. Vegetable Research Institute of Hunan Province This variety is a special variety for pickling and salting. 0215 as female parent and 0149 as male parent. The plant height of this variety is 79cm, the spreading degree is about 50 × 52 cm, the growth vigor is strong, the branching character is medium, the plant growth is uniform, the fruit setting character is good, and the fruit bearing ability is strong.

  • Alcohol made from sweet potato

    Alcohol made from sweet potato

    Alcohol, also known as ethanol, is an important chemical raw material, which can produce a variety of organic reagents and solvents, as well as dyes, paints, medicines, spices, synthetic materials, detergents and so on. 1. Technological process: koji-making mother-cooking gelatinization-saccharification fermentation-distillation 2. Key points of technological operation: ① koji making: most of the saccharifying agents used in this process are cultured in solid medium. 5%-10% grain bran or fine rice husk was added to wheat bran as medium, and Aspergillus Niger or Aspergillus flavus was cultured as saccharifying agent.

  • How to raise sword orchids

    How to raise sword orchids

    How to raise sword orchids

  • Xinwanjiao No. 1

    Xinwanjiao No. 1

    1. The pepper variety "Xinwanjiao No. 1", which is the most suitable for delayed cultivation in autumn. The hybrid belongs to rake tooth type, the fruit length can reach 18 cm 20 cm, the longest is 25 cm, the average weight of single fruit is 80 cm 120 g, the green fruit is dark green, the pulp is 0.35 cm thick, the quality is excellent and the spicy taste is moderate. The old ripe fruit is bright red. The maturity is middle and early, the yield is high, 667 square meters, the output is 3500-4000 kg. The resistance is strong, the plant growth is robust, the plant height is 70cm 80 cm, the development degree is 50 cm. Anti-viral disease and blight
